Luke & Christy

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Awe Inspiring Day

April 23, 2013

This morning Luke and I had our first homestudy meeting with our adoption specialist, Barb. I was very surprised how soon we were able to get started on the homestudy meetings; Luke and I were ready to keep moving along in the process! Today was a BIG day for us; we didn't have much expectations going into this meeting, just praying that we would have a good connection and communication with one another. Well…our prayers were definitely answered, the meeting went soo well, and better than I could have ever imagined!! PRAISE GOD!!! My first impression of her over the phone was exactly what she was like in person. She was very down to earth, compassionate, caring, genuine, real, sensitive, and honest women who loves the Lord and has a great passion for children. It is amazing to see how God picked this awesome lady to counsel us and walk along side our adoption journey.  Our first meeting mostly consisted of getting to know each other and sharing each other’s lives with one another. It was really important not only for Barb to know about our story and our background, but also for us to know about her and to build upon a relationship with one another. It was great getting to know her. We found out that she is a runner just like Luke and I. (or use to be runners…running truly played a major part in both of our lives in our early years...J) That was just so neat to hear and how we both have that commonality with her! It reminds me on how God works out every little detail PERFECTLY and it truly is amazing to see His perfect plan unfold. Later on in our meeting, Barb talked more about the homestudy process and what it all entailed. She also shared with us that as long as we don’t have any hick-ups along the way of the homestudy, we should be done with it by mid-August and then we would be able to have our family profiles shown to the birthmothers when they are ready to choose an adoptive family! That was very surprising to hear and exciting as well; before I knew it, August would be here! When I heard all of this, one word described my thought process ….ECSTATIC!! J
Coming away from this meeting Luke and I were deeply encouraged and feel completely blessed by the Lord!! Our Lord God is Soo GOOD and seeing His blessings unfold is the greatest joy ever! After this meeting, we both realized how real this process was getting in a good way and needed to continually be in communion with our Lord every little step of the way. The birthmother and our child continually comes to the forefront our minds, hearts, and prayers as we trust our creator who has it all in the palms of His perfect hands. We are already starting to have a love for two people we do not even know of yet.  It is one of the most meaningful and amazing things Luke and I have been a part of and are humbled by God’s grace! Our next meeting is in two weeks, May 10th!! Luke and I are thoroughly looking forward to it as we continue to prepare ourselves and hearts to be adoptive parents. During those two weeks, we continue to complete all the necessary paperwork that needs to be done for our homestudy. After the meeting Luke and I went to go out to eat to celebrate a special day of our adoption process. We are completely in awe of God‘s perfect love and mercy! J

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise- the fruit of lips that profess his name”   Hebrews 13:15

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