Luke & Christy

Luke & Christy

Love Unfolding

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Prayer Requests

Luke and I believe in the power of prayer. Luke and I genuinely appreciate your support through our journey and could not do this without our Heavenly Father and you all! We truly believe in the power of prayer, so we want to share a few prayer requests we have as we seek the Lord’s will for our family.
Prayer requests
1.       Pray that God will be glorified through our journey of adoption
2.       Pray for the birth mothers and that God would give them all peace, strength, comfort, love and guidance as they pursue an adoption plan.
3.       Pray for the birth mother that God has chosen for us and that she would make wise and healthy decisions for herself and the baby, and that both will receive the necessary amount of nourishment their bodies need.
4.       Pray that we will be good witnesses to the birth mother and anyone else we will encounter through this journey and that Christ’s light will shine brightly through us.
5.       Pray that God will match the perfect birth mother with our family and that we will mesh well together.
6.       Pray that the Lord will help us grow a genuine love for our baby’s birth mother.
7.       Pray that the Lord will provide for the financial resources of the adoption and that we will trust in His perfect timing.
8.       Pray that we will not get discouraged through this journey of adoption, and that our main focus will be centered on Christ, not ourselves or our circumstances.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  
 Matthew 18:20
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”   Romans 12:12

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”        1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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