Luke & Christy

Luke & Christy

Love Unfolding

Fundraising Project

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fundraising Project!

As you all know Luke and I are now in the adoption process of waiting to see when (Lord willing) we get picked by a birthmother. So since we have no clue when that would be; really soon or later, we were highly encouraged by others and our specialist to start on our fundraising as soon as possible.  When Luke and I decided to step out in faith in adopting a baby domestically, we realized how much the adoption costs were going to be, but we didn’t want our fear of the  expensive adoption cost override our trust in the Lord’s will for our family. We are trusting that the Lord will provide a way and a very interesting and amazing fundraising idea has made me believe that all the more!   

If you can use:
·         a tool
·         clean a window
·         paint a wall
·         stuff envelopes
·         make phone calls
·         arrange food
·         simply pray

….then WE NEED YOU!! With you help, we have a chance, not only to raise the funds necessary to bring our baby home, but to also serve a widow, just like it talk about in James 1:27:

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Here is how it the Both Hands project works:
Luke and I found a widow in need and are now assembling a team of our friends to complete this Both Hands project. Then our team (including us) will send out letters to family, friends, co-workers, and church family asking them to Sponsor us for the day, as we work on Lora’s house. Most of our time we will be doing light repair, painting, de-cluttering, cleaning, and landscaping.  All the funds raised go towards our adoption. It is very similar to raising sponsorships for a 5K race or golf event, but instead of playing, we’ll be working!

On November 10th, we will be working on Ms. Lora’s home. She is a very kind, giving, and hardworking women who loves the Lord and goes to our church. Her husband passed away suddenly about five years ago. We are beyond blessed to be able to help her for the day, and have her know she is loved and supported by all of our team! The house is in need of a number of things, one of them being painting.

Another way you can get involved is… donating supplies that are needed. You can donate certain items or donate an amount you would like to go towards the supplies. Our goal is to get all the supplies we need for the widow’s house donated by local merchants and individuals. All donations are tax deductible! We will post later on what certain items are needed to complete the project.

This idea has been done over 262 times around the country already! Attached is a link to a video that might help give you a good idea of what the Both Hands Project is all about! Check it out if you would like! J

Luke and I fell in love with the whole mission and vision of Both Hands!! We love how the purpose for Both Hands is to live out God’s word in James 1:27. What better way is there to fundraise and live out God’s word in our Community! We also love the idea of how this project is much bigger than ourselves and that we are serving a widow who is in need. This is a wonderful way to be able to support and love on our sister in Christ, Lora!  We love how this project also exemplifies being a part of the body of Christ and coming along side one another while loving and serving Lora. It is truly amazing!! If you’re interested in being a part of this amazing project some way or another let me know. J

Check out our Both Hands page at:

Come take a look at our Facebook group page and “like us” at:
Luke and Christy’s Both Hands Project

I look forward to sharing more details about our project soon! Thank you all for your support, we are humbly grateful for each and every single one of you! J

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